Saturday, June 25, 2011

Civil War Reenactment Belts and Buckles

Now that you've got your uniforms and head gear what is the next item on the Civil War reenactors list?  Whether you're in a Union or Confederate outfit you're going to need something to hold those uniform pants up so I'd say it would be a genuine looking reproduction Civil War belt and buckle. The oval US buckle of the North and Confederate CSA buckle are but two of the most widely used.

Of course there are other types too. The two piece, various different states and officers buckles are available. The best place to find these and other buckles is at store's Civil War Reenactment Headquarters. You'll find a huge inventory there all at the best Internet prices. On lots of items you can even name your own prices!

If you prefer you can always go to the store's Civil War Relics Home and find an authentic Civil War era belt buckle. Even though you'll pay more for the genuine article you'll still be getting the best Internet prices for what you're getting. And the opportunity to name your own price as well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Civil War Hats

Civil war hats are a necessary part of the reenactors uniform. Both the Union and Confederate armys and navies had a uniform hat. The most widely used was the kepi hat. The enlisted and officers kepis vary by braid and insignia. Another type of hat popular at Civil War Reenactments is the bummer hat and is similar to the regular kepi but generally has a higher top or crown that is slanted down towards the cap's bill.

Where you find cavalry you'll you'll find the famous, and hugely popular, full brimmed cavalry hat. This hat is not only popular with Civil War reenactors but with the general public too. People not versed in the Civil War recognise this hat as the one John Wayne and other Hollywood movie actors made famous!

This is just a sampling of the Civil War hats you'll find at the Civil War Reenactment Headquarters. Mosey on over to our online store and check out the inventory and great Internet prices. You'll be glad you did.